Saturday, September 4, 2010

moving forward indeed...

a new month, a new post. methinks that MONTHLY blogging will be an activity of higher frequency that i will be carrying out in the up and coming days...i mean, come. perhaps with the exception of a few fortnightly posts in between as well. that is, IF i'm capable of slottin' them into ma rather maddening daily schedule.

lethargy. a common sensation that i've been experiencing lately. well, mostly everyday i must say. and to ma surprise and amusement, i have yet to acquire a particular skill that is much sought after among many Pre-U and 1st year college students - time management. i'm quite unable to cope with whatever that's being thrown at me - academically speaking, of course.

emotions. an erupting volcano and a devastating tornado are just a few metaphorical emotional catastrophes which are constantly in brew within me. containable? with much strength from The Divine - yes. alone? - an inevitable meltdown will draw nigh.

however, the above two are experienced and unjustly intensified during usual schooling days. mind you, the holidays are here...besides, i also strongly believe that, ...

"You make all things new
yes, You make all things new
and i will follow You, forward."

Moving Forward, Israel Houghton

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